Med-TSO wraps up successful General Assembly in Tunis

Med-TSO is delighted to announce the successful completion of its 29th General Assembly, held on 8 May 2024. The event gathered representatives from the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) members of the Association, and it has been extremely important to define the future of Med-TSO for the next years.

First, a notable highlight of the assembly was the appointment of Faycel Tarifa, PDG of STEG, as Vice President and the re-election of Angelo Ferrante, International Affairs—TERNA, as Secretary General. These appointments completed the Governance of the association for the next three years after the election of five Vice Presidents last November.

Regarding the Governance, taking profit from the ideas received from the Members, the Assembly also approved some important modifications to the Internal Regulation, in terms of the duration of mandates and criteria for voting rights

Then, Members also debated the draft of the 2025-2030 Action Plan of the Association, a process started with the strategic workshop held in Cairo last January: the Secretariat, together with an appointed Strategic Team, proposed to the GA a first draft that was approved and that is to be implemented in the next months.

The meeting was also the occasion to present a report on the Technical activities related to the ongoing Teasimed 2 project, with a special focus on the preparation of regional scenarios for 2040, and a proposal to involve the Association in a project for the synchronization of the Southern Mediterranean Power Systems spanning from Algeria to Jordan.

Once again, the General Assembly offered the Members a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and reinforce the strong cooperation among the TSOs, prerequisites to achieving the Association’s common goal of fostering the creation of the Mediterranean energy market.