
The TEASIMED 2 project started on January 2023 and will be developed until December 2025, aiming at promoting the progressive integration of Med-TSO countries’ transmission networks, taking into account adequacy requirements and energy security, enhancement of cross-border electricity exchanges as well as renewable energy sources integration in the Mediterranean region, through the coordination of national development plans and the corresponding rules for operating the grids.
In this page are collected all the reports elaborated from the deliverables of the project.

Based on the results of Mediterranean Project 1 & Mediterranean Project 2, the European Commission has granted to Med-TSO the support for a new project to be carried out in the period 2020-2022: TEASIMED – Towards an Efficient, Adequate, Sustainable and Interconnected MEDiterranean power system.
In this page are collected all the reports elaborated from the deliverables of the project, started on 1 September 2020 and concluded on March 2023.
The reports are divided per each of the five working streams composing the project.
The “Mediterranean Project 2” is a project carried out by Med-TSO from 2018 to 2020, co-funded by the European Union. Starting from the results achieved during the first “Mediterranean Project”, this second project was structured along six streams of activity, coming from the need for strengthening cooperation in both system operation and system development: Planning of Infrastructures, Regulation & Power System Rules, Scenarios Adequacy and Market Studies, Grid Development & Market Integration, Operation, Knowledge Sharing.
The work of our Technical Committees on these six pillars brought to the realization of the following deliverables.

- “Proposal of Common Rules about the provision of system services – Mediterranean Grid Code chapter”
- “Connection Procedure Proposal”
- “Candidates for Pilot Projects”
- “Proposal of tentative Road Map for a practical implementation of harmonized rules in Pilot Project (s)”
- “Procedure for Cross Border Cost Allocation Application”
From February 2015 to January 2018, Med-TSO carried out the “Mediterranean Project”, co-funded by the European Union and based on multilateral cooperation as a strategical approach to regional development for facilitating the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems. The results achieved in the frame of this project set the base for the Mediterranean Project 2.
The Mediterranean Project aimed at the progressive harmonization and strengthening of the electricity markets in the Mediterranean region, following a bottom-up approach and direct involvement of Med-TSO Members, through five activity lines: Rules, Infrastructure, International Electricity Exchanges, Knowledge Sharing, Med-TSO Database.
The work of our Technical Committees on these activity lines brought to the realization of the following deliverables.

- Starting Regulatory Framework (SRF): Compendium and Summary of relevant codes/regulations/contracts and practices, both existing and short-term expected, in Med-TSO systems
- Proposal of a Common Target Regulatory Framework (CTRF) for all the Mediterranean electricity systems
- Proposal of a Common Tentative Road Map (CTRM) for adoption and compliance with the proposed Common Target Regulatory Framework
- Models of rules (Procedures/Contracts)

- Mediterranean Master Plan of interconnections (detailed projects descriptions inside)
- Description of the Reference Energy Scenarios
- Euro-Mediterranean Market Model for the evaluation of the impact of basic scenarios and expected energy flows on the Euro-Mediterranean Electricity Grid. Complementarities of the load curves (daily and seasonal), around the Mediterranean and within sub-regional groupings
- Proposal of a CBA Methodology for transmission projects assessment
- Results of complete CBA Methodology and assessment for interconnections case studies
- Guidelines of interconnections cost allocation for the integration of the Mediterranean Electricity System, and related operational procedures
- Relevant Grid Map
Annual Reports