Webinar "Masterplan of Mediterranean Interconnections 2022 - Eastern Corridor"

30may10:0013:00Webinar "Masterplan of Mediterranean Interconnections 2022 - Eastern Corridor"

Event Details

On 29 and 30 May 2023, Med-TSO will hold two webinars to present its “Masterplan of Mediterranean Interconnections 2022”.

This Masterplan is one of the key deliverables of Med-TSO’s project TEASIMED (Towards an Efficient, Adequate, Sustainable and Interconnected MEDiterranean power system), the third project co-funded by the European Commission to sustain the development of the Region, concluded last march 2023.

It includes the assessment of 19 interconnection projects, promoted by the Mediterranean TSOs belonging to 16 different countries and 5 different corridors, and characterized by common geographical peculiarities and challenges. They are assessed in terms of the 2030 time-horizon and considering two different long-term energy scenarios developed by Med-TSO in alignment with the scenarios set out by ENTSO-E, the Association of European TSOs within the framework of the 2022 Ten-Year Network Development Plan.

These projects will be presented within two days, with a webinar focused on the western corridor, on 29 May, from 3 to 6 pm (CEST), and another one the next day, focused on eastern corridor, on 30 May from 10 am to 1 pm (CEST).


(Tuesday) 10:00 - 13:00(GMT+02:00)