From left to right, Med-TSO Vicepresident Mr. Al Daradkah (NEPCO), Mr. Harrabi (STEG) and Med-TSO acting President Mr. Baptista (REN) before the Executive Board

During the Executive Board meeting: from left to right, Mr. Ruffino (Med-TSO), Med-TSO Secretary General Mr. Ferrante, Med-TSO acting President Mr. Baptista (REN) and STEG CEO Mr. Harrabi

During the Executive Board meeting: from left to right, the Chairman of Med-TSO Technical Committee "Planning"Mr. Sabelli (TERNA) and the Vicepresident of Med-TSO Mr. Crea (TERNA)

During the Executive Board meeting: from left to right, Mr. Kara and the Vicepresident of Med-TSO Mr. Ozata (both from TEIAS)

During the Executive Board meeting: the Chairman of the Technical Committee "International Electricity Exchanges" Mr. Touileb (SONELGAZ)

During the Executive Board meeting: the Chairman of Med-TSO Technical Committee "Regulations" Mr.Alonso (REE)

During the Executive Board meeting: from left to right, the Chairman of Med-TSO Strategic Orientation Committee Mr. Laffaye (RTE) and the Convenor of Med-TSO Working Group on Economic Studies and Scenarios Mr. Bué (RTE)

During the Executive Board meeting: from left to right, the Secretary General of Med-TSO Mr. Ferrante (TERNA) and the acting President of Med-TSO Mr. Baptista (REN)

General Assembly - Press Conference: Mr. Harrabi interviewed few minutes after his election as new President of Med-TSO

General Assembly - three Vicepresidents of Med-TSO: Mr. Ozata (TEIAS), Mr. Crea (TERNA) and Mr. Al Daradkah (NEPCO)

General Assembly - Mr. Chouireb (SONELGAZ), Mr. Touileb (Chairman of Med-TSO Technical Committee International Electricity Exchanges) and Mr. Ameyoud (CEO of OS)

General Assembly - Med-TSO Financial Manager and Treasurer Mr. Vichi illustrating the Financial statement

General Assembly - Med-TSO Senior Project Manager Mr. Paun reporting on the second year of the Mediterranean Project

General Assembly - Med-TSO Senior Communication Manager Ms. Cecchini exposing new communication activities

Open Session - Mr.Dewaleyne (EC-DG NEAR - Programme Manager - EU policies - Regional Programmes Neighbourhood South in the Field of Environment, Climate Change, Agriculture) speech

Handover - Mr. Harrabi (newly-elected President of Med-TSO) and Mr. Baptista (Vicepresident of Med-TSO and acting President until the election)