The CEO of EETC will be in charge for the next three years, starting next 1 July.
Wednesday, 10 May 2023, Ms. Sabah Mashaly, CEO of EETC, the Egyptian TSO, has been elected President of Med-TSO by the General Assembly of the Association held in Cairo. Ms. Mashaly, first Egyptian President of Med-TSO since the foundation in 2012 and currently Vice President of the Association since 2020, will be in charge, starting 1 July, for the next three years. She graduated in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering at Cairo University and has over thirty years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the electricity industry, having covered several managing positions in the Egyptian energy sector.
Ms. Mashaly succeeds to Mr. Mourad Adjal, PDG of Sonelgaz (Algeria), who has been in charge as President of Med-TSO from 28 February 2022 to 30 June 2023.