Med-TSO Executive Board meeting 25 February 2021
On 25 February Med-TSO held, in videoconference, the Executive Board meeting, chaired by the President Chaher Boulakhras (Sonelgaz, Algeria).
Among different administrative and institutional issues, such as the report on the inception activities of the TEASIMED Project and the presentation of the Balance sheet 2020, an important point of discussion dealt with the strengthening of cooperation with stakeholders.
The Board considered to reinforce the cooperation with ENTSO-E, highlighting how it performs very similar activities to Med-TSO in some of the TSO domains and there they have comparable objectives, despite the different regulatory framework and obligations.
Furthermore, the Board called for a deep cooperation with COMELEC (COmité Maghrébin de l’ELECtricité, ), indicated as a natural partner of Med-TSO for reinforcing the integration of the Maghreb Zone. One of the activities that Med-TSO carried out during the Mediterranean Project 2 was to develop the preliminary actions aiming at implementing an Interconnected Electricity Exchange Zone (IEEZ) in the Maghreb Region. A Maghreb Task Force was set up to prepare a road map for facilitating the integration of the Maghreb zone.
The implementation of the Maghreb Pilot Project cannot be achieved without the concrete collaboration with all the regional stakeholders, on first with COMELEC, also taking profit of the synergies provided by the recent appointment of Mr. Boulakhras as its President.