Action Plan 2020-2025: an internal workshop to define Med-TSO strategy for the next years
A joint internal workshop between the Operational Activities Coordination Committee (OACC) and the Strategic Orientation Committee (SOC) of Med-TSO, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators took place in Rome on 24 January 2019.
The workshop focused on the future of Med-TSO, aiming at defining the role of the Association for the next years, and drafting the guidelines for the Action Plan 2020-2025, beyond the conclusion, on May 2020, of the ongoing “Mediterranean Project 2”, financed by the European Union.
The meeting, coordinated by Med-TSO Secretary General, Mr. Angelo Ferrante, ran along three main tasks: define strategic role and positioning of the Association, decline strategies into real activities and implementing the Action Plan 2020-2025 (funding, resources and organization). The outcomes of these three round tables will contribute to draw up the new Action Plan 2020-2025 of the Association, which will be approved in the next months by the General Assembly of Med-TSO.
The OACC is the body of Med-TSO that ensures the coordination of the operational activities developed by the technical committees and working groups. It is chaired by Mr. Hervé Laffaye (RTE, France), attending to the meeting together with Mr. Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente (REE, Spain), chairman of the Technical Committee “Regulations and Institutions”, Mr. Modesto Gabrieli Francescato (TERNA, Italy), chairman of the Technical Committee “Planning”, Mr. Ameyoud Aziz (OS, Algeria), chairman of the Technical Committee “International Electricity Exchanges”, Mr. Brahim Oumounah (ONEE, Morocco) chairman of the Regional Working Group West and Mr. Emmanuel Bué (RTE, France), convener of the Working Group “Economic Studies and Scenarios”.
The role of the SOC, chaired by Mr. Carlo Crea (TERNA, Italy), is to give a comprehensive analysis of strategic decisions to be taken by the Executive Board of Med-TSO, especially in defining and monitoring the strategies of the Association. Attending to this workshop, Ms. Rime Bouarudje (SONELGAZ, Algeria) with Ms. Fatma Sule Sanal (TEIAS, Turkey).