President of Med-TSO, M. Harrabi (right) and the Secretary General A. Ferrante (left)
The Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission signed a new two-year grant contract to fund Med-TSO’s Mediterranean Project II.
The project is the natural continuation and extension of the first Mediterranean Project, officially closed last 30 April. These next two years will see the experts coming from the 21 Mediterranean Med-TSO members working on six main tasks: planning and infrastructures; regulation and rules; scenarios adequacy and market studies; grid and markets integrations; operation; training and knowledge sharing.
The President of Med-TSO, Moncef Harrabi (CEO of STEG), claimed: “The three years of the challenging experience of Mediterranean Project have brought us to a second stage: the Mediterranean Project II, an even harder challenge for Med-TSO, because, besides the consolidation of the outcomes of the first project in terms of Planning, Rules, Interconnections, Market Studies and Knowledge Sharing, is going to include the complex activities of the Operation.
With this new project, we continue in the effort to build a power bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean, as it is the key for the security and the sustainable development of the Mediterranean countries”.
“This grant is really important for Med-TSO: once more, we were recognized for the high value of our activities and for the prominent role that our Association is playing – and I hope it will play ever more in the future – in the Mediterranean energy context and beyond. I would like to thank our members for the hard work carried out by the companies and for the continuous support given to Med-TSO and its Secretariat” stated Angelo Ferrante, Secretary General of Med-TSO.
The activities of the Mediterranean Project II have started on 1 June 2018 and the first events already scheduled are a Workshop on Scenarios Building in Istanbul on 27-28 June and two Technical Meetings on 11-12 July in Rome.