Terna: "Restarting" the power grid Last April, Terna, the Italian power grid operator, conducted a "restart" test on more than 1,400 km of high-voltage power lines, from the city of...
Mediterranean Project, the point after two years since launch
From left to right: Carlo Sabelli, Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, Rabah Touileb Three technical committees in Rome make the point on the actions to be undertaken and what has been...
Rules and Standards for Grid Interconnections in Mediterranean countries
Mediterranean Project TC 3 (International Electricity Exchanges) conclusions in RomeUsing the existing interconnection capacity among the Mediterranean grids can facilitate the integration of Renewable Energy Sources. Here are the conclusions...
Mr. Moncef Harrabi is the new President of Med-TSO. Interconnection and cooperation the focal point of the new President of the Association
Mr. Moncef Harrabi, new President of Med-TSO After an election by acclamation Mr. Moncef Harrabi has become the new President of Med-TSO, the association of the Mediterranean transmission system operators. It happened during...
Press release Med-TSO 20/04/17 – GA Tunis
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Mr. Moncef Harrabi is the new President of Med-TSO
The moment of the nomination of Mr. Harrabi as new President During the 13th General Assembly of the Association, in Tunis, the PDG of Steg has been elected by acclamation...
Executive Board meeting – Tunis, 19 April 2017
Executive Board meeting - Tunis, 19 April 2017 Today the members of the Executive Board of Med-TSO are meeting in Tunis, hosted by Steg, the Tunisian TSO. The Board is...
Secretary General in Alger
Secretary General in Alger Last Tuesday the Secretary General of Med-TSO met in Alger the Ministry of Energy of Algeria, Mr. Noureddine Boutarfa, former President of Med-TSO.Mr Ferrante thanked the...
A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs – Harmonization of Technical Rules
A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs - Harmonization of Technical Rules Wednesday 15 march 2017, a workshop entitled “A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs...
Press release Med-TSO 15/03/17 – Workshop Madrid A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs
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