President of Med-TSO, M. Harrabi during his speech at Italian Embassy in TunisThe President of Med-TSO Moncef Harrabi and the Secretary General Angelo Ferrante took part to the conference “Renewables and infrastructure for the...
Press Release 22 JUNE 2018 A new grant from the European Commission to Med-TSO
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A new grant from the European Commission to Med-TSO
President of Med-TSO, M. Harrabi (right) and the Secretary General A. Ferrante (left)The Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission signed a new two-year grant contract to fund...
Med-TSO reaches 21: HOPS is the new entry
President of Med-TSO, Moncef Harrabi (right) welcoming the CEO of HOPS, Miroslav Mesic (left)The Croatian TSO formalized its membership during the General Assembly in Brussels.The Croatian TSO “HOPS” officially became...
How to harmonize and strengthen the electricity market in the Mediterranean Region
Moncef Harrabi Med-TSO/STEG - Angelo Ferrante Med-TSO - Huges Belin journalist - Dominique Ristori DG ENER - Claude Turnes ITREThe results of 3 years of work of the “Mediterranean Project”...
“THE VIEW OF ENERGY ” won the Med-TSO photo contest
"THE VIEW OF ENERGY " Niki Manthati, from the communications department of the administrative office of ADMIE (Greece)"THE VIEW OF ENERGY " is the winning photo of the first Med-TSO...
Transmission infrastructures planning criteria, reaching the goal in Brussels.
Transmission infrastructures planning criteria, reaching the goal in BrusselsThe knowledge sharing meeting, held in Rome, at TERNA CAMPUS last 20 March, has just passed. Now Med-TSO is looking to the...
Electric grids interconnections, the meeting in Rome
Welcome speech: from left to right, Enrico Maria Carlini (TERNA), Angelo Ferrante (Med-TSO),Modesto Francescato Gabrieli (TERNA), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA) The state of the art about grids planning processes, last 20th March...
Mediterranean Project Closing Conference: “Towards the Future Secure and Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region”
Organized by Med-TSO – Hosted by MEP Simona BONAFÈ, at European Parliament, on 10 April 2018 (h. 9.00 – 12.00)The conference presents main results and key achievements of the Mediterranean Project, a 3-year...
Med-TSO final rush towards the Mediterranean Project
Med-TSO final rush towards the Mediterranean ProjectIn view of the closing conference on the 10th of April in Brussels, the Association’s initiatives follow each other with the launch of the...