Transmission infrastructures planning criteria, reaching the goal in BrusselsThe knowledge sharing meeting, held in Rome, at TERNA CAMPUS last 20 March, has just passed. Now Med-TSO is looking to the...
Electric grids interconnections, the meeting in Rome
Welcome speech: from left to right, Enrico Maria Carlini (TERNA), Angelo Ferrante (Med-TSO),Modesto Francescato Gabrieli (TERNA), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA) The state of the art about grids planning processes, last 20th March...
The workshop was organized by the Technical Committee “Planning” of Med-TSO and hosted by Terna, at its Campus in Rome. In this workshop it was possible to learn about the...
Mediterranean Project Closing Conference: “Towards the Future Secure and Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region”
Organized by Med-TSO – Hosted by MEP Simona BONAFÈ, at European Parliament, on 10 April 2018 (h. 9.00 – 12.00)The conference presents main results and key achievements of the Mediterranean Project, a 3-year...
Med-TSO final rush towards the Mediterranean Project
Med-TSO final rush towards the Mediterranean ProjectIn view of the closing conference on the 10th of April in Brussels, the Association’s initiatives follow each other with the launch of the...
Med-TSO and ENTSO-E map: more than 400.000 km of power networks in the Euro-Mediterranean
Med-TSO and ENTSO-E map: more than 400.000 km of power networks in the Euro-MediterraneanThe first joint map of the interconnected electricity transmission networks of the two organisations Rome February 26th...
Mediterranean Project 2 (2018 – 2020)
Mediterranean Project 2 (2018 - 2020) The “Mediterranean Project 2” is a project carried out by Med-TSO from 2018 to 2020, co-funded by the European Union. Starting from the results...
A contest to describe the Mediterranean Energy Transition
A contest to describe the Mediterranean Energy TransitionMed-TSO promotes a photo contest dedicated to the TSOs People Med-TSO, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) promotes a competition opened...
General Assembly in Tunis
first row, from left to right: Juan Francisco Alonso (REE), George Ashikalis (Cyprus TSO), Mihai Paun (Med-TSO), Mehmet Kara (TEIAS), Aziz Ameyoud (OS), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA), Emmanuel Bué (RTE), Wided...
Regulation solutions among TSOs and countries
Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, REE SpainHow is Med-TSO going to plan the agreement between its solutions, TSOs, countries and consumers?We asked it to Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, REE Spain, Chairman...