
Electric grids interconnections, the meeting in Rome

Welcome speech: from left to right, Enrico Maria Carlini (TERNA), Angelo Ferrante (Med-TSO),Modesto Francescato Gabrieli (TERNA), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA) The state of the art about grids planning processes, last 20th March...

Mediterranean Project 2 (2018 – 2020)

Mediterranean Project 2 (2018 - 2020) The “Mediterranean Project 2” is a project carried out by Med-TSO from 2018 to 2020, co-funded by the European Union. Starting from the results...

A contest to describe the Mediterranean Energy Transition

A contest to describe the Mediterranean Energy TransitionMed-TSO promotes a photo contest dedicated to the TSOs People  Med-TSO, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) promotes a competition opened...

General Assembly in Tunis

first row, from left to right: Juan Francisco Alonso (REE), George Ashikalis (Cyprus TSO), Mihai Paun (Med-TSO), Mehmet Kara (TEIAS), Aziz Ameyoud (OS), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA), Emmanuel Bué (RTE), Wided...

Regulation solutions among TSOs and countries

Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, REE SpainHow is Med-TSO going to plan the agreement between its solutions, TSOs, countries and consumers?We asked it to Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, REE Spain, Chairman...