Pathways to Regional Energy Transition in the Mediterranean AreaLast Monday 9 September, our President Moncef Harrabi and our Secretary General Angelo Ferrante participated to the conference “Pathways to Regional Energy Transition in the...
Pathways to Regional Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Area
Med-TSO representatives at Coordination meeting with UfM Energy Platforms’ Stakeholders
Med-TSO representatives at Coordination meeting with UfM Energy Platforms' StakeholdersLast Friday 19 July, the Secretary General of Med-TSO, Mr. Angelo Ferrante, and the Convener of the Working Group “Economic Studies &...
Representatives of Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company and of Palestinian Energy & Natural Resources Authority met the Secretary General of Med-TSO in Ramallah
Mr. Zafer Melhem (left) and Mr. Ferrante (right) during the meetingThe Secretary General of Med-TSO, Angelo Ferrante, met representatives of Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company (PETL) and of Palestinian Energy & Natural Resources Authority (PENRA), at...
Med-TSO Secretary General at Medreg training for the Israeli Electricity Regulator
Med-TSO Secretary General at Medreg training for the Israeli Electricity RegulatorMedreg, the association of Mediterranean Energy Regulator, organized a training for the staff of Israeli Electricity Regulator (Public Utility Authority) in Jerusalem,...
Seventh anniversary of the Association of Mediterranean Transmission System Operators
The staff of the Secretariat of Med-TSO: from the left, Luca Ruffino, Sergio Notari, Gherardo Vichi, Antonio Moretti, Arianna Andreoletti, Emanuela Errichi; sitting, Simona La Cioppa and Angelo FerranteDear readers,our...
Med-TSO representatives at RGI Conference “Leading practices in RES integration”
Med-TSO representatives at RGI Conference “Leading practices in RES integration"Med-TSO representatives participated to the Conference “Leading practices in RES integration” organized by Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) on 9-10 April, hosted...
The 17th General Assembly of Med-TSO in Barcelona
The 17th General Assembly of Med-TSO in BarcelonaThe 17th General Assembly of Med-TSO took place in Barcelona last Tuesday 9th April 2019, hosted by Red Electrica de España.The President of Med-TSO M....
Res4Med’s High-level Workshop in Amman
Res4Med’s High-level Workshop in AmmanThe Secretary General of Med-TSO, Angelo Ferrante, participated to the Business-To-Government High level Workshop “Accelerating the renewable energy transition in Jordan” organized by RES4Med&Africa in Amman, on 20 March.The...
Secretary General in Algiers to the 2nd CAGRÉ conference organized by ARELEC
Secretary General in Algiers to the 2nd CAGRÉ conference organized by ARELECThe ARELEC, the “Association des Réseaux Electriques haute tension en Algérie”, organized the second CAGRÉ Conference on “Electricity Transmission Networks in the...