Med-TSO held a Workshop on Scenarios Building for TEASIMED project
On 12-13 January 2021 Med-TSO held an online workshop on “Scenarios Building for TEASIMED project”, organized by the Technical Committee “Economic Studies and Scenarios”, chaired by Emmanuel Bué (RTE, France).
The scope of this two-day workshop was to launch the process for updating Med-TSO scenarios, to build a robust framework for undertaking studies to develop the grid of the future. The previous set of long-term Med-TSO 2030 Scenarios has been built by this Technical Committee during the previous project, the Mediterranean Project 2 (2018-2020), following a process ensuring a Mediterranean framework and strong coherency within the area and with neighbouring regions.
The first day of this workshop was dedicated to draw a general overview on mid- and long-term energy scenarios. Presentations by external experts from ENTSO-E, CGGIA, IRENA and OME were focused on the development of Mediterranean Power System in a wider geographical perspective, including its connections to the North, South and East. Special attention was paid to the role played by energy efficiency, development of Renewable Energy Sources and emerging technologies in defining long-term scenarios in an energy transition perspective, taking into account the Mediterranean region energy integration in a global perspective.
During the second day, the workshop followed a process in two steps, involving Technical Committee members individually (in particular through the collection of members opinion by survey), in sub-groups (to focus on any specific item) and in a full group. The two steps dealt with the review of challenges and improvements to be tackled by Med-TSO scenarios and the selection of drivers to be considered for defining scenarios.