The latest updates on Med-TSO Power Statistic Platform

We are thrilled to announce the recent update of our Power Statistics Platform, marking a significant milestone in our continuous efforts to be a professional and strategic reference body for every technical, market and policy issue in the Mediterranean energy sector.

Since its launch in late 2020, the scope of this platform has been to provide quick access to previously unavailable information. Our comprehensive collection of 2022 data from all 20 Med-TSO member countries concluded in December 2023, empowering stakeholders with historical insights and interactive tools.

Key Feature of the Power Statistics Platform

The Power Statistics Platform is the first in the Mediterranean to consolidate data from EU and non-EU countries, extending beyond ENTSO-e membership ones. Its Key Features, among many others, are:


Interactive Insights

The platform allows users to explore historical data from 2018, visualised through interactive graphics, enabling users to explore yearly snapshots and switch between energy sources effortlessly.


Data Richness

Users gain access to detailed tables encompassing crucial Transmission System Operator (TSO) data, including net generating capacity, annual generation, demand, line length, transformer capacity, and key performance indicators. The platform also features an interactive map of Mediterranean countries, depicting graphic representations of interconnections and physical energy flows in GWh exchanged by each country and for each interconnection.


Complex Development Journey

Developed under the Mediterranean Project 2 back in 2020, the platform’s creation faced multiple challenges, notably in standardising data collection from all TSOs. The inaugural 2020 data collection, reflecting 2019 year-end data, laid the foundation for annual updates.


These achievements are evidence of the collective effort that brought the platform to fruition, involving close collaboration between the Technical Committee Operation and the Secretariat.

Med-TSO’s Power Statistics Platform is not just a tool; it is a transformative step towards a more interconnected, resilient, and sustainable future for the Mediterranean energy landscape.