Our History

Med-TSO, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity, was established on 19 April 2012 in Rome by 14 TSOs from 12 countries, as a technical platform that, using multilateral cooperation as a strategy of regional development, could facilitate the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems and foster Security and Socio – economic Development in the Region.
During the first years, Med-TSO increased the number of its TSO members to 19 from 17 countries, also starting a fruitful cooperation with the EC and other important stakeholders of the region. In these years the Association implemented the first draft of the Mediterranean Masterplan of Interconnections, which will become the main deliverable of all the future projects of the Association.

In 2015 the EC co-founded the first Mediterranean Project, which aimed at the progressive harmonization and strengthening of the electricity markets in the Mediterranean region, following a bottom-up approach and direct involvement of the 20 Med-TSO Members at this point, through five activity lines: Rules, Infrastructure, International Electricity Exchanges, Knowledge Sharing, Med-TSO Database. The results of the project were presented during the Mediterranean Project Closing Conference “Towards a future Secure and Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region” held at European Parliament in Brussels in 2018. The same day, the members of the Association became 21 from 19 Mediterranean countries.

To continue, consolidate and improve the activities carried out with the previous project, the same year Med-TSO launched the Mediterranean Project 2 which was structured along six streams of activity, coming from the need for strengthening cooperation in both system operation and system development: Planning of Infrastructures, Regulation & Power System Rules, Scenarios Adequacy and Market Studies, Grid Development & Market Integration, Operation, Knowledge Sharing. In 2020 Med-TSO organised the online conference “An Integrated Grid for Enabling the Energy Transition in the Mediterranean” to present the results of this project.

In this year of celebration of its 10th anniversary, the Association will enlarge its members to 22 TSOs from 20 Mediterranean countries and it will complete its third EC co-founded project, Teasimed, Towards an Efficient, Adequate, Sustainable and Interconnected MEDiterranean power system.