The 17th General Assembly of Med-TSO in Barcelona
The 17th General Assembly of Med-TSO took place in Barcelona last Tuesday 9th April 2019, hosted by Red Electrica de España.
The President of Med-TSO M. Harrabi, (Steg, Tunisia) welcomed all the participants and opened the meeting, supported by the Secretary General A. Ferrante (Terna, Italy).
The main theme discussed during the Assembly was the proposal for a new Action Plan 2020-2025 for Med-TSO, also following the joint internal workshop between the Operational Activities Coordination Committee (OACC) and the Strategic Orientation Committee (SOC) of Med-TSO, held in Rome last 24 January 2019 (read the news).
The previous General Assembly gave mandate to these two committees to define the lines of the activities of the Association in the period 2020-2025, coherent with the overall strategy and in line with the Members’ expectations. The outcome of that internal workshop was a preliminary analysis that will be the base of the future Action Plan. This document was discussed and approved by the Members of the General Assembly, who gave mandate again to OACC and SOC to prepare a detailed Action Plan to be endorsed by the next assembly scheduled in November 2019.
Other important topics in the meeting agenda were the approval of the Financial statements for the year 2018 and the reporting on the technical activities carried out in the frame of the ongoing Mediterranean Project 2.