Med-TSO’s Pledge to bolster Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure

Med-TSO welcomes the EC Communication 757 issued on 28 November, “Grids, the missing link – An EU Action Plan for Grids“. The Association acknowledges the EC’s commitment to strengthening the electricity infrastructure, a crucial aspect for achieving the energy transition and ensuring energy security across the UE and its neighbouring regions. 

We particularly endorse the EU’s recognition of the growing need for increased public support for cross-border projects, especially those designated as Projects of Mutual Interest involving the EU and neighbouring countries. Streamlining the authorisation process for these projects is crucial. 

Developing Projects of Mutual Interest would signify a substantial step toward effectively integrating the two shores of the Mediterranean basin, ensuring a more secure and sustainable energy supply for the region.

Med-TSO is prepared to actively support the EC in this endeavour by fostering cooperation among EU and non-EU Transmission System Operators, supporting ENTSO-E in defining Projects of Mutual Interest and contributing to essential long-term planning initiatives outlined in the EU Action Plan.



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EU Action Plan for Grids