Med-TSO elected four new Vice-presidents
Last 22 December 2020 the members of the General Assembly of Med-TSO have met in videoconference to elect four new Vice-presidents of the Association.
The assembly unanimously elected Ms. Sabah Mashaly, CEO of the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, Mr. Ramon Granadino, Director of Investment Projects and Transmission Management in Red Eléctrica de España, Mr. Guido Guida, Head of International Institutional Relations of Terna, Italy, and Mr. Ioannis Kampouris, Chairman BoD & CEO of Southeast Electricity Network Coordination Center (SEleNe CC), from Ipto, Greece.
The four new Vice-presidents will be in charge for the next three years and they will join in the Executive Board of Med-TSO the Vice-presidents Mr. Abdellah Kabiri (Onee, Morocco), Mr. Hervé Laffaye (RTE, France), Mr. Albertino Meneses (REN, Portugal) and Mr. Serhat Metin (Teias, Turkey).
President Mr. Chaher Boulakhras (SONEGLAZ, Algeria), closed the assembly congratulating and ensuring his support and availability to the new Vice-presidents, while expressing his gratitude and deep thanks to the ones who left Med-TSO for the precious work carried out and their strong involvement in the decisions of our association.