25th MEDELEC Annual Meeting: Med-TSO’s participation to the two-day conference

25th MEDELEC Annual Meeting: Med-TSO’s participation to the two-day conference

The 25th Annual Meeting of MEDELEC took place in Bahrain last 24-25 October. MEDELEC is a “Liaison Committee” which brings together different electricity sector companies working in the areas bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Southern Europe, Middle-East and Northern Africa. 

Med-TSO Secretary General, Angelo Ferrante, participated to the event.
On the first day he gave an overview about the last developments of the activities, reporting on the conclusion of the Mediterranean Project I and the launch of the new project.
On the second day, he took part to a panel discussion focused on the role of harmonized rules and regulation for increasing the efficiency of the regional power systems and promoting the development of interconnections.

Here, Mr. Ferrante showed how Med-TSO’s activities represent a good example of multilateral cooperation, a platform where members agree on scenarios, methodologies, guidelines and procedures for promoting development of interconnections and interoperability of the interconnected systems, in the perspective of a future Mediterranean energy market.

During the panel, it was pointed out that a number of projects have been carried out in the last fifteen years, all aiming at the creation of a regional electricity market, but none of them was followed by concrete actions to favor the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems.

Mr. Ferrante underlined the novelty of the approach implemented by Med-TSO at first in the Mediterranean Project 1 and now in the Mediterranean Project 2. This bottom-up approach involves directly the TSOs, who are responsible for their national development plans, in all the activities carried out by the Association, since the definition of the future energy scenarios and the process to be implemented for assessing the benefits of the proposed new investments. With this method – he continued – we minimize the risk that the results of a regional project cannot receive adequate follow up at a national level because who performed the activities did not take in duly account the peculiarity of each national system.

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