Mr. Thiollière (MEDREG President), Mr. Boutarfa (Med-TSO President) and Mr. Ristori (Director General Energy, EC) after signing the Memorandum of Understanding Med TSO, Medreg and the EC signed a Cooperation...
Press release
Communiqué de presse Download197 KB
Chaque pierre nous rapproche à notre but” (N.Boutarfa, AG Med-TSO 18.11.14)
Noureddine Boutarfa (President of Med-TSO) during the open session of Med-TSO General Assembly, Rome 18 November 2014
Press Release Med-TSO General Assembly Rome, 18th November 2014
Press Release Download122 KB
Med-TSO Extraordinary General Assembly, Rome 18th November
Med-TSO Extraordinary General Assembly, Rome 18th November - Cartella stampa italiana Download2 MB
Press release Med-TSO 18/11/14 – GA Rome
Download122 KB