CANCELED - General Assembly

01aprAll DayCANCELED - General Assembly

Event Details

From the message of the Secretary General Angelo Ferrante: “I do really regret to inform you that, in agreement with President Harrabi, the next Med-TSO General Assembly meeting scheduled in Roma on 1 April is postponed (date and location to be defined). As you know, in the last days I got in touch with all of you for verifying the possibility to hold this very important event, despite the troublesome period we are passing throughout the Region. Unfortunately, the world-wide worsening coronavirus-related situation has forced many companies to adopt restrictions on business trips. You can imagine that the first goal of the Association in these unexpected circumstances is to guarantee the safest and most comfortable conditions for its Members, and this is not possible to achieve in these weeks, therefore, despite the very important topics in agenda, we are now forced to cancel the scheduled date and wait for better periods. I do apologize for any inconvenience you may suffer due to this cancellation, but I trust in your understanding.”


All Day (Wednesday)(GMT+00:00)



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