MEDITERRANEAN PROJECT 1 (2015 - 2018) - Task 1 - Common Set of Rules for a Mediterranean Power System and Transmission Grid Code


The overall objective of this Task is to develop and share a minimal and common set of basic rules for the operation of the Mediterranean interconnected power systems and the connection of users. These shared rules will facilitate the exchanges of electricity over the interconnected grids and the development of new power system facilities (in both generation and transmission), while contributing, at the same time, to improving the institutional cooperation among the TSOs in the Mediterranean Region.


The common set of rules to be shared among Med-TSO members will represent the first step towards the set-up of a Mediterranean Grid Code. The following topics will be addressed:

a.Users (both generation and demand) connection to the grid: application for connection, commissioning of users plants, contracts with operators and use of the transmission system (including the interconnections).

b.Coordinated operation of the interconnected power systems: cross-border capacity allocation mechanisms in the relevant time frames, coordinated dispatching and system services management, share of resources (e-g. for balancing purposes), management of interconnections (including HVDC lines).

c.Development plans of international interconnections (including HVDC).
These activities will be carried out with the support of Med-TSO Technical Committee 02 (TC02), “Regulations and Institutions”, in cooperation with Medreg (Working Group Electricity), on the basis of the Cooperation Protocol signed by the two Associations.
A strict cooperation with ENTSO-E is envisaged, to ensure the necessary compliance of the Project outcomes with the European Network Codes, legally binding for all the Med-TSO Members from EU countries. Analogous consideration will be taken for similar situations elsewhere.