“THE VIEW OF ENERGY ” won the Med-TSO photo contest

« THE VIEW OF ENERGY  » Niki Manthati, from the communications department of the administrative office of ADMIE (Greece)

« THE VIEW OF ENERGY  » is the winning photo of the first Med-TSO photo contest having as theme « Mediterranean bridge: a new perspective in the Energy transition between countries”. The picture took by Niki Manthati, from the communications department of the administrative office of ADMIE (Greece) will be the cover of the Mediterranean Projects final publication. “When I learned of the subject I remembered a certain place on the bridge of Chalkis where ADMIE had done a construction before” explained the winner of the photo contest that had studied photography for 3 years with a specialization in reportage. “It is the second point after the Euripus strait, where the island of Euboea approaches the mainland of Greece. I had passed along that place a long time before by car but that day it was raining too much to take a good photograph. At that specific place when you observe the landscape, you can notice the absolute harmony and amazing morphology of the beautiful nature with mountains, sea and island combined with the human need for both energy and infrastructural architecture”.

The jury of the photo contest, composed by the Communication of Med-TSO and the Communication Network Contact Points from each member of the association, rated a podium of three out of ten finalists. The choose was made by a synthesis between the contest theme, the quality of the pictures and the connection with the world of the TSOs.

The finalist pictures are available on Med-TSO Facebook page. 

We have also a second and third place: Second classified « AMANECIENDO (sunrising) »by Zabala Mikel, REE (Spain); third place « BRIDGE TO THE FUTURE » by Marcoleoni Fabio from TERNA (Italy).

“I took the picture while the inspections of the Electric lines” explain Zabala Mikel, technician in maintenance of Electric lines in the north area of Spain “I think that the enviroment is my inspiration. Well, that and the silence”. 

“I took this pictures in Venice. It is the Calatrava bridge, a famous architect. I was inspired by the prospective and the play between fog and light” – stated the author of the third placed photo Fabio Marcoleoni, Designer of HV Substations at TERNA in the northern Italy – “fog is the ‘unknown’ and represent the view for the future”.

Also the second and third awarded will be a part of the Med-TSO final publication, that will be presented next 10th April in Brussels during the Conference : “Towards a future Secure and Sustainable Electricity Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region” (free registration available here).