Med-TSO Technical Committees « Planning » and « Economic Studies and Scenarios » held two webinars to present one of the main results of Med-TSO’s Mediterranean Project 2, the Mediterranean Master Plan 2020.

A first webinar, “Mediterranean Master plan 2020: focus on Western Mediterranean Region”, on 19 January 2021, and a second one, “Mediterranean Master plan 2020: focus on Eastern Mediterranean Region”, on 20 January 2021.

These webinars had an introductive part about Med-TSO and its Mediterranean Project 2, followed by the Presentation of the Scenarios, showing Electricity Scenarios at 2030 starting from a full Mediterranean approach to sub-regional focus on the Western and Eastern Region.

Then, the webinars proceeded with the Presentation of the Mediterranean Masterplan 2020 and all the Interconnection Projects explored at 2030 time horizon, showing methodology and principles used, also providing the opportunity to get into the details of each sub-regional projects for the Western and Eastern Region presented by the involved TSO. Each session was followed by Q&A sessions.

The webinars gave also the opportunity to present the digital version of the Mediterranean Masterplan of the interconnections. This useful tool makes it possible to have a picture of the potential development of interconnections in the Mediterranean region, as proposed by Med-TSO, having a comprehensive view of the fifteen interconnection clusters.