Electric grids interconnections, the meeting in Rome

Welcome speech: from left to right, Enrico Maria Carlini (TERNA), Angelo Ferrante (Med-TSO),

Modesto Francescato Gabrieli (TERNA), Carlo Sabelli (TERNA)


The state of the art about grids planning processes, last 20th March 2018

The worldwide Energy transition and the evolution of the Energy Sector involve the northern and southern banks of the Mediterranean basin in the same direction but with different peculiarities. The Northern bank is engaged in ambitious decarbonisation targets and market integration within a general stagnation of the electricity demand. The southern bank is characterized by large potentiality of renewable generation and by a fairly high rate of growth of the demand, supported by concrete examples of plans and deployment of RES. In this scenario, Med-TSO was established in 2012, when 12 (now 18) Countries of the two banks of the Mediterranean basin met together in a voluntary Association with the willingness of harmonizing their methodologies and practices. In the frame of the Mediterranean Project, TSOs work, among the others, to setting up a development plan of the interconnection. To divulge these planning processes, a workshop took place last 20 March in Rome at Terna Campus. The workshop was organized by the Technical Committee “Planning” of Med-TSO and hosted by Terna. In this workshop it was possible to learn about the Master Plan delivered by the application of the agreed Planning Process, based on the following activities: Scenario Building definition; integration of national generation adequacy plans; set up of a regional Market model and relevant studies, results of the network studies performed for 14 projects classified along three corridors (Western, Central and Eastern).

We asked to Patricia Esteban (REE, Spain), chairperson of the Knowledge Sharing Task Force some comments about the TC activities:

What will be the next step of the Knowledge Sharing Task Force in Med-TSO?

For the next months, we want to continue organizing workshops. On one hand about topics that our associates have identified as relevant, and on the other hand, about the activity of the Technical Committees. Apart from this, we want to organize online activities, like forums or webinars about topics of interest of our members.

Do you think that sharing knowledge could be useful to finalize the success to the Mediterranean Project and how?

Of course, because one of the main objectives of our group and the Association is promoting the training, knowledge sharing and technical assistance in the Region, facilitating the exchange of information, analyses and experiences among the Associates. The ways to achieve these objectives are the workshops, the networking and the close involvement that exists between the participants of the existing groups.